Monday, March 8, 2010

A weekend of indulging in the good things: crawfish, thrifting, fabric and muffins.

OOOooohhhh its that time of the year! This Saturday brought my first crawfish of 2010... I know its a bit early, yes they were small, but they were a tasty little teaser of what is to come this spring. Dad's thinking about boiling a sack this weekend and there's nothing better than sitting outside, drinking cold beer in the sun and talking over the roar of the propane tank. Aaaahhh crawfish season, I love you. I don't care if my fingers smell like crustaceans for hours, I don't mind having to wear my glasses because contacts and crawfish hands don't mix...I don't mind that sting when I get crawfish "juice" in a cut... it's so worth it.

[ Megan and I enjoying the sun ]
After crawfish, we went thrifting! I'm pretty happy with my finds including the fantastic new addition to my old camera collection (below), a light up tracing desk, a great antique scale turned jewelry stand, an old school Fisher Price airport (now I have to find a plane, and mini suitcases...!), in addition to the 2 skirts and an owl brooch I found on Friday afternoon. Not too bad!
Saturday night Nora, Lea and I went to a new place called Nouveau Antique Art Bar, the ceiling is "chock-a-block" with Tiffany lamps- they're on the tables, on shelves, on the bar top... it really was pretty. After Nouveau we went over to The Mink to watch a few friends play music. We stayed up pretty late so I slept in on Sunday morning, finally peeling my face of the pillow around noon to run some errands.
Sunday was my first trip to High Fashion Fabrics in Midtown, an amazing fabric wonderland suggested by Lauren. This place is ridiculous. There's so much to look at and touch, I was walking around with my mouth open, I felt like twirling and singing like I was on some Austrian mountaintop a-la-Sound of Music. I controlled myself and bought 1/2 yards of the 3 fabrics below- aren't they great?!
With the Dia De Los Muertos fabric I made an embroidery hoop bulletin board for Nora. I love the bright colors! Que alegre!
After my Sunday grocery & fabric shopping and a bit of house cleaning, I had a baking craving. I picked up some fresh strawberries so decided on strawberry muffins. They turned out pretty good! Not too sweet, but perfect warm with a little butter for breakfast.

Hope your weekend was fantastic! This week looks like it's going to be a busy one, lots to make and do! Happy Monday!

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