Friday, March 5, 2010

Fabric love- Scissors!

Yesterday at lunch, Virginia and I went to one of my favorite little corners of Memorial... a little strip mall containing a Baskin Robbins, a used bookstore, and a sewing studio/fabric store. After sitting in the sun an enjoying my 2-scoop cup of Rock n' Pop Swirl for lunch (yup, almost 400 delicious calories of grape and green apple sherbet loaded with pop rocks...its my absolute favorite, along with many 7 yr olds, I'm sure.. and it only comes out in the spring and summer!) we went over to Thimble Fingers to visit Mrs. Sherry Reese who is ridiculously nice. I quote "anyone who loves my scissor fabric can be my friend"... While I was browsing her fabric bolts, I saw this one, and had to get a yard.
Next Thursday I have a hair appointment with Leidi, who I've been going to for a year this month, so I made this embroidery hoop bulletin board for her station @ the salon! It looks pretty good hanging on my wall though, so I may have to make another for myself.
I wish I knew how to make clothes... or handbags. I pretty much want a clutch made out of this fabric. (Patience! My clutch sewing class is next Sunday, and I'm too excited!)
Hopefully this weekend I can make more bulletin boards, rings, bows, etc. Saturday is going to be absolutely beautiful so I'll try to be outside as much as possible.
Happy Friday!

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