Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh hai! Let's ketchup.

So I haven't been around much as you can see, but been very good. The Omaha trip was wonderful, fast paced craziness but I think next time we'll go the airplane route. There's just too much we want to do when we visit that wasting a whole day in the car isn't worth it! Instead of car-riding we'd like to sip an Irish Coffee @ Mr. Toad...get the creme brule at M's Pub...hit a few more antique shops...the list is endless! This is the only photo from Omaha... a silly picture of Pat (looking a little suspicious) and I at Slowdown before the Lady Gaga show...and as Gaga shows's always too much, too fast.

Work is A-Ok (I got a new office!... with a window!)

A few weeks ago Living Social had a great deal: 20 pilates and yoga classes for $20! I snagged one and so did a few friends so twice a week I've been going to yoga! The first class I signed up for was called "Fundamental pilates"... I'm thinking... ok fundamental.. like.. beginners, right? hooollllyyyy crap..that class was NOT for beginners. I don't exercise regularly. I'm not proud of it, but I would make an effort.. maybe... twice a month. After years and years of gymnastics and cheerleading, I guess I was just over it. So I thought "ok... lets start slow.. ease into it with a little "fundamental" class. NOPE. The instructor was great, but she was going at guru pace. She was Denise Austin on speed. She didn't really modify anything for someone who.. oh I don't know... hadn't worked out in a month and had never taken a pilates class in her life. By the end my body was shaking muscles feeling like jello. For a split second I though "oh shit...I can't stand up"... and it freaked me out. So with focus... I got up..and walked very slowly to the door...then to the car where I proceeded to get into the drivers seat butt first and lift each by one.. into the car. It freaked me out and so until I they offer a beginner's pilates...I'm done with pilates.

Probably because I'm a spaz.

Yoga on the other hand... I liked! It was challenging...I learned that I don't know how to breathe which is funny...and that I'm about as flexible as a bread stick now. I have another class scheduled next week! Today I'm doing something called Shimmy Express...which I believe is something like belly dancing? Basically a gut focused work out which it something I am all for. So... I've been working on my fat ass fitness, trying to be  active at least 3 times a week. Swimsuit season y'all. It's still coming.

We went to the Bayou City Arts Fest last weekend which was fantastic! Made By One Girl was there again and I bought two more of her map love notes. I just love them!

Last weekend was also the first Braud family (minus Michelle+Dylan and Peter) crawfish boil of 2011... SO EXCITED FOR CRAWFISH!

{ryan's photo}

My brother's been living in Peru and visited Machu Picchu this last weekend- abso beautiful!:

{pete's photos}

Michelle and Dylan are still surrounded by snow in MN but it's getting better, right? RIGHT? IT HAS TO WARM UP. SRSLY.
This weekend the Final Four is in Houston. I loathe basketball...I hate the squeaking sound the sneakers make BUT...because of the final four there are tons of free things to do in Houston this weekend! (Free is good... the Mercury needed some repair work this week...VERY inconvenient). So Friday the Hold Steady is playing a free show and Saturday-- Kings of Leon! The shows are @ Discovery Green which is one light rail stop from our house! Free things we can walk to! Which means... first we walk to the pub... THEN to the park. It works out.

What else has been going on? Oh, I've just started season 2 of LOST. Y'all I know I'm all late to the party but that so good.

Ryan and I watch an episode of X-Files every night before sleep. It's one of my favorite new traditions. The other night we made an X-Files lasted like.. 10 minutes before it got kind of annoying (we're not architects...I'm gonna have to look up how to properly build a blanket fort on the Internet)  but it was fun for those minutes.

I hope you've been well, happy, busy (good busy...not the "oh my God I'm going to die" kind of busy). I'll be around more. Getting back to blogging is on my to-do list along with losing 10 lbs, letting my hair grow, eating less crap-food and being a better person.


  1. I'm so upset that Stacy and I were too hung over to go to Bayou Art Fest. We were at a Suck Fest in our Apt, not as much fun.

  2. Y'all def made the right choice though! It was so so hot and you guys would have been so uncomfortable. Downtown version of the art fest in the fall!

  3. Gin, it's Mel!! Kate told me about your immensely entertaining blog and now I am heeeeeere! I covet your office and I love the fact that you are discovering the amazing-ness that is LOST. Side-notes: I miss you very much (as does all of Austin) and also My So-Called Life is now streaming on Netflix....two unrelated but very true things.


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