Monday, December 27, 2010


How was your Christmas weekend? We all had such a good one, so nice to relax, eat dinner in your PJs and...well basically live in your reindeer PJ pants for a full 24+ hours. We drank homemade eggnog, watched movies, had a singalong, ate (and maybe ate a little bit more), sat out by the fire pit, made s'mores, went to a nice Christmas mass, slept in and just enjoyed the company of fam. 

Santa brought me a super neato chandelier I had been pining for for my bedroom and an Instax mini camera that i looooove! My sister gave me a fantastic handmade vintage fabric apron that one of the mom's from her school made. LOVE IT! Can't wait to use. My brother gave me the Indie Craft book- so inspiring! My friend Nora gave me a gift card to one of my favorite shops, Paper Source and a Viewmaster with TONS of picture reels! SUCH a fun gift.  My love gave me a fantastic Nan Lawson print, a gift certificate for a spa downtown (that will most likely be redeemed for a massage! Desperately needed!)  and tons of embroidery hoops! He knows me so well! Speaking of,  Ryan left for Omaha Christmas eve morning so the night before we had a mini-Christmas with him, complete with turkey dinner and presents! He comes back to Houston today...Yayyyy! I've missed him! 

Yesterday we rounded out our Christmas festivities with a little bowling, our second annual Boxing day bowling outing!  Afterwards, I went back downtown and spent a little time with my lovely friend Amy who is in town from New York...indefinitely since pretty much all flights are cancelled. BLIZZARDZ Y'ALL.

Now it's back to work...I needed a quadruple espresso today and...probably an extra day to recoup from all the eating that happened ( it's a passive activity. I can not be held accountable).

Do you guys ever get the post- Christmas blues? I sure do. After a whole month (and then some) of preparing, planning gifts, decorating, cooking holiday treats (maybe putting on like.. oh... 8 lbs...) listening to Christmas carols 24/7 and just relishing in the merriment of the season, it just kind of.... stops. Like.. that's it, it's over. Now you have to wait 365 more days for it to happen again. wh... what? Whyyyy? So much build up and then all of a sudden, its December 26th, you're surrounded by piles of wrapping paper, and there's chocolate on your face.

Anywho, here's a teeny amount of shots from the weekend- I hardly took any photos, I was too busy playing and having fun!

Christmas Eve dinner @ Perry's Steakhouse. AMAZING GOOD.

Michelle opening presents Christmas morning.

Stockings hung by the chimney with care....

Have you guys started to think abou 2011 resolutions yet? I need to make a list of mine!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Room Tour: Bedroom

With each passing week we're making progress and making this house a home. We got so much done this weekend and I wanted to share. Welcome to the bedroom!

Hung painted frames and wall art. 

Ryan put our dresser together and I got a clothes rack to hang my vintage dresses (and it's a pretty good spot to let clothes hang-dry).
We sat the TV on top of a vintage olive green American Tourister
Decorated some exposed pipe with green and brown finger knitted "ropes".

...and now the part I think I love the most! Our re-purposed headboard! We found this great louvered door at a junk shop in Montrose for $25. It's the perfect size! We took it home, scrubbed it down (thing was dirrrtttyyyy) and hung it on two nails above the bed.

I love the scratches and imperfections on the door and just the overall effect it gives the room. The little slats are so perfect for tucking in cute note cards or decorative papers.

We're still hunting for a cool old bench for the foot of the bed, but I think we're almost done in this room!

 So fun!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Anatomy of our Christmas Tree

Happy almost Christmas y'all! Last night Ryan and I finally got around to decorating  our tree... we had a tree up before we had a TV or even silverware (priorities). But we're finally getting to the point where things are sorted and it's looking more and more like a home everyday! I thought I'd share a few shots of our modestly adorned tree:

Above we see a vintage paper Santa bought from an antique shop in the heights. I only wish I had 50 instead of just 5. I like how the paper ornament adds a different texture and dimension to the tree as opposed to glass or plastic. You can also see the "cornament" from Omaha!
We've got a touch of Mardi Gras already! Mom and I snagged a box of these pretty glittery fleur de lis when we were in Louisiana last weekend. It's hanging next to the Czech Kitchen Witch I bought in Prague in 2007. She's missing a foot... i know i have it somewhere....

Crocheted red and white garland!

Pretty glittery glass owl.

Sleepy fawn I bought at the Nutcracker Market this year!

Handmade German owl ornament I bought at the Nutcracker Market 2009

Close-up of the fantastic vintage paper Santa.

I love this fuzzy little owl my friend Amy gave to me last year. Before we decorated the tree we had the ornaments sitting on the counter and the Fuzz kept jumping up and dragging it all over the apartment. We'd try to hide it and she'd always find! Poor little owl...but I definitely see it's appeal to the Fuzz.

We really have a hodgepodge of items on this tree. Some weird, random things...I mean.. I may have (may have..) hung my 2007 TX state graduation tassel up there.... Srsly what else are you supposed to do with those things? We have a really pretty Nativity scene in a glass bulb,a cat wearing pink socks and a scarf, a gorgeous pelican ornament my mom gave me this year along with other wildlife, even a tranny Santa which is probably the strangest thing up there but... I really like how it came together. When you don't have much, you have to imrpovise!

All in all, it's a good little tree.

Do you guys have any weird things hanging on your tree?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Finger Knitting!

Fantastico finger knitting video right here! I learned on my lunch break today... I only wish I came across this before I crocheted 100 feet of Christmas tree garland! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Before the Chaos



Living room

View from front door down hallway and into living room

View from window

Snapped these on our initial walk through when we got the keys. I'll take some tonight to show progress, i.e. a bunch of crap...everywhere. The best is the view from the patio, promise to get one of those today too! More coming soon! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

movins progress report

DAY 1 DOWN! pr... probably 2 more to go... I have a busted lip (couch + face = fat lip) and Ryan has a swollen ankle. 

I guess we're 'doin it rong'.

We're trying again after work today.

Lets hope no one bleeds.

[google images]

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bee Arrrrr Bee

Moving commences tomorrow! Be back soon! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happiest Thanksgiving y'all! Hope your day is filled with family  and/or friends and lots of delicious treats! With love from a very unseasonably warm Houston (srsly, is like..80 outside...I'm wearing flip flops, my Saints t-shirt and a demin skirt... so festive...)!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm Thankful For: Part II

 II: by Lena

"I am thankful for my sweet baby girl, Claire.  She is my little sunshine and I have many reasons to be thankful for her.  One of my favorite times with her is the nights I get to tuck her into bed.  I have come to cherish and love our little routine of reading a book, scratching her back, and singing “You are my Sunshine.”  It’s in this moment that I know she knows just how loved she really is."

Thanks so much for your story, Lena!

To read more from Lena, hop on over to her blog Stella Sola!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Thankful For: Part I

This is the first of a special set of Thanksgiving posts dedicated to highlighting what my friends and family are thankful for (since I'm so thankful for them!). I'll be posting them throughout today and tomorrow and encourage you to let the people you're thankful for know how much they mean to you!

I: by Stacy

"I am thankful for my wonderful grandmother and that I get to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her! She’s been through a lot over the last few years – breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and now bladder cancer twice, which unfortunately isn’t responding well to radiation and chemotherapy this second time around.  We have to be realistic in that this may be our last Thanksgiving with her and although that makes me sad and angry and a whole mix of other emotions, I have to also think that I’m lucky to have had her in my life for the last 24 years. She’s always been there for me, we have a very close relationship, and besides always being supportive of me and full of words of wisdom, she’s never failed to make me laugh. She’s a typical Jewish grandmother, originally from The Bronx, and I will always think of her when I drink my cwoffee and walk my dwawg. Oy vey. I’m getting verklempt..."

Thanks so much for your story, lady! To read more from Stacy, be sure to visit her at Stacy Says!

She's good people.

Stay tuned for more stories of thanks to come!

Crafty Christmas Bonanzaaaaa

Hello sweet visitors! I know Thanksgiving is in two days, but I'm still thinking a month down the road.

Christmas 2010 = D. I. freaking Y. With Ryan and I moving into a new apartment next week, our moneys will be a bit smaller this Christmas, but there will be no stressing out.  There will only be...busy!

I got a bit of a jump start this year since I anticipated the move...I had about 75% of my gift shopping done and my Christmas cards made at the beginning of November.  But there's still a fair bit to be done, like decorating the apartment after all the boxes unpacked. Decorating my home for Christmas is one of my favorite things about the holidays. I absolutely watching (or maybe directing? "More of the colorful lights! More on the bottom!") Dad string the lights and garland on the tree so we could dive into the boxes of ornaments, carefully unwrap the delicate Kleenex-packed ones are get-to-decoratin'.

This year will be the first time Ryan and I get to spend the Christmas season together. I'm determined to go  (a bit) overboard with the cheer and super determined to use mostly handmade, vintage and re-purposed items to do it

There's no limit to what you can do or make, just google Christmas DIY or look up tutorials and go nuts! Etsy has an endless supply of amazing vintage pieces and supplies, even pre-made kits, like this Winter Wonderland cupcake kit , this Holiday journal kit,  and this needle felted snowman kit  just to name a few, that can be shipped to your doorstep in days! 

If you like to shop local, hit up any antique shop. I guarantee they will have lots of vintage Christmas ornaments, figurines, cards and books. Last weekend Ryan and I snagged this 3 foot Santa

 at August Antiques  in the Heights (If you're in the Houston area, I recommend stopping by;  they have tons of Christmas items from the 50s and 60s!

I also bought a handful of these vintage Santa cut-outs to string up in the apartment.

At the moment, I'm waiting (not so patiently)  for my Jenni Bowlin chipboard buttons to come in the mail (via Etsy!) so I can make this awesome garland per Amanda's awesome tutorial found here.

So if you'd like to get your hands dirty this December, here are just a few of the hundreds of ideas and tips to help make your Christmas super DIY and unique:

Reuse broken or old ornaments to make a beautiful wreath! 

Use scrap yarn to wrap foam balls! 

I LOVE the candy cane candle in the upper left had corner!  I think the evergreen pieces on the outside of the glass adds such a classy touch to a table setting.

This is what I'm working on now...crocheting Christmas tree garland. I chose fluffy white sparkly yarn to look like snow!

Use blank cards and scrap booking stickers or chipboard pieces to create your own unique cards! 

Chose pretty holiday fabric to make your own cheery bunting. Here is a no-sew tutorial!

Even if your gifts aren't handmade, you can add your own personal accents to the packaging! Use stamps, ribbons, buttons, or stickers to create your own gift tags. Blank tags can be found at Hobby Lobby or any craft store.

This is a great idea if you have kids and even if you don't making paper ornaments or decorative (using pretty holiday scrapbook paper) paper chains is a fun and easy way to add a handmade touch to your decor.

Happy Christmas crafting!

[photos from google images, light up Santa is mine]