Friday, December 17, 2010

Anatomy of our Christmas Tree

Happy almost Christmas y'all! Last night Ryan and I finally got around to decorating  our tree... we had a tree up before we had a TV or even silverware (priorities). But we're finally getting to the point where things are sorted and it's looking more and more like a home everyday! I thought I'd share a few shots of our modestly adorned tree:

Above we see a vintage paper Santa bought from an antique shop in the heights. I only wish I had 50 instead of just 5. I like how the paper ornament adds a different texture and dimension to the tree as opposed to glass or plastic. You can also see the "cornament" from Omaha!
We've got a touch of Mardi Gras already! Mom and I snagged a box of these pretty glittery fleur de lis when we were in Louisiana last weekend. It's hanging next to the Czech Kitchen Witch I bought in Prague in 2007. She's missing a foot... i know i have it somewhere....

Crocheted red and white garland!

Pretty glittery glass owl.

Sleepy fawn I bought at the Nutcracker Market this year!

Handmade German owl ornament I bought at the Nutcracker Market 2009

Close-up of the fantastic vintage paper Santa.

I love this fuzzy little owl my friend Amy gave to me last year. Before we decorated the tree we had the ornaments sitting on the counter and the Fuzz kept jumping up and dragging it all over the apartment. We'd try to hide it and she'd always find! Poor little owl...but I definitely see it's appeal to the Fuzz.

We really have a hodgepodge of items on this tree. Some weird, random things...I mean.. I may have (may have..) hung my 2007 TX state graduation tassel up there.... Srsly what else are you supposed to do with those things? We have a really pretty Nativity scene in a glass bulb,a cat wearing pink socks and a scarf, a gorgeous pelican ornament my mom gave me this year along with other wildlife, even a tranny Santa which is probably the strangest thing up there but... I really like how it came together. When you don't have much, you have to imrpovise!

All in all, it's a good little tree.

Do you guys have any weird things hanging on your tree?

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