Friday, July 2, 2010

O say can you see!

Happiest Friday and 4th of July weekend y'all! Hurrah!
I just realized that we (the roommates and I) did absolutely nothing to decorate for the 4th. I didn't purchase or make (wreath, bunting, etc) anything remotely patriotic. We don't even own a flag. And now it's the 2nd. I feel ashamed. We're usually SO good about decking the house out for whatever holiday. So after work I'm stopping by party boy for a few tiny last minute items, just to redeem myself.
So how will you be celebrating? My friend Virginia, ironically enough, is en route to San Francisco as I type. Monday she's going to visit Alcatraz. What better way to celebrate your freedom than by going to prison? It's been pooouurrringg here all week and it looks like it's going to continue through the holiday weekend but we'll make the most of it anyway! Weather permitting, we may fit a little lake-time in on Saturday and Sunday is the Miller Outdoor Theater/ Houston Symphony Star Spangled Salute complete with fireworks! WOO! Ryan and I both have Monday off so hopefully if it's sunny we can grill and swim.
I'm back over at my old office--- that Galleria contract job just ended so I'm kinda...twiddling my thumbs at the moment. Hopefully I'll get a new assignment soon. (fingers crossed!)

I guess I've been a little crafty-busy this week. I think when I get a bit stressed out it helps me cope. Last night I made a few of these little brooches. They kind of remind me of those little peachy/orange carnations.

This wreath has been my WIP this week, I'm sort of in love with the color scheme- the teal with the different shades of green. Still have a little more work on this one but will definitely be done by the weekend. Looking forward to seeing it completed!

And I FINALLY finished the Sublime Stitching Russian doll! I started her back in March and she sort of just sat on the back burner while I worked on other things..played with the sewing machine, etc. She was hastily finished, poor thing.

I hope you have a wonderful, safe independence day! Eat all the hamburgers, hot dogs and apple pie you can handle and pop some firecrackers or sparklers in your driveway!

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