Friday, July 30, 2010


Sigh. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week were absolutely nuts, and I have 2 photos to show for it. The Lady Gaga shows were fantastic and we were so lucky to see them from such an amazing point of view...such a great experience. I couldn't thank L&S enough.

Monday, July 19, 2010

here we go (again)

In another office (cube) this week. I'll have to feel it out for a bit to see if I can hop on here periodically, but until then, have the happiest week!

[weheartit image]

Friday, July 16, 2010

rocket fuel

Today, I am so thankful for coffee. Especially super hot black coffee with a dollop of cool whip on top. You have to have the cool whip. (have to).
I have this little travel coffee mug I bought from starbucks a few years ago with owls on it. It's a smaller mug, but holds exactly one decent size cup. While in the kitchen, a woman at my office sees the cup and says "Oh no, someone left their baby's sippy cup!".
Thats my coffee. But if I had a baby, it would drink coffee out of a sippy cup.
"mom, is this chicory? you know i don't like chicory, i only drink cafe especial..."
Happiest Friday!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

painting the roses red

Still not done, but coming along! The pins are still visible, I wanted to make sure I could remove easily, (25 rosettes!), add jute rope to the wreath, rearrange the flowers and leaves.. THEN it'll be done. Whew!
Pretty much ready for some weekending.

WIP Wednesday part deux

I love the summertime. Srsly. I love swimming and grilling and shorts and suntans... *most* of the things that come with summer in Texas. I don't like being eaten alive by mosquitoes, and I don't like it when my shins sweat as soon as I step outside. Maybe it's me wishing it didn't "feel like" 106 degrees...maybe it's me wishing I could sit outside by my fire pit, maybe go camping? I'm not wishing summer away... I'm not....I just really like the fall, too. I like hearing high school marching bands practice...and... I'm gonna say it. I'm kind of excited about football season. I'm looking forward to going to a few games this year...cheering for the saints and the tigers...maybe I'm jumping the gun a little bit, but a little early planning never hurt and who knows? People (someone) might want one of these:
I'm going to start a little line of spirit wreaths for the fall. This one (I don't know why it looks blue on camera because I swear to you, it's royal purple in real life...) is my first; a small LSU wreath. It's 1/2 way done and my thumbs are killing me from shoving those little pins in...but I'm excited to see the final product.

[I don't know what it is with me and wreaths that look huggable.]

WIP Wednesday!

Yesterday after work I stopped at Texas Art Supply for some felt for a new project. My friend Jackie's birthday is coming up so I was perusing the cards and came across these little vintage ephemera sticker books! I snagged a Victorian rose sticker book for Jackie and got this awesome vintage bird sticker book for myself! There are 57 stickers in this little book for $1.50! I found a link where you can buy online- right here!
Here are a couple of sneaky peeks for WIP Wednesday:
[ a handful pretty red felt roses ]

[ very long marigold crochet chain ]
What are you workin' on? I'm starting another project today which means lunch-break-trip-to-Joanne's!
Happiest Wednesday!

Monday, July 12, 2010

addicted to cucumber-mint water.

This pretty much sums it up. We had such a relaxing weekend, lots of sun, cooking, books, and tons of lemon water...even a little cucumber-mint water (so good). Friday we went to one of our favorite places, Dolce Vita, for dinner. The pizza is perfection, thin crust, crispy, flour-on-your-fingers awesomeness. Unfortunately the mussels weren't on the menu that night, so I'm still craving...maybe I'll get my fix soon. Saturday morning we got up early and spent the day reading in the sun and grilling. We made bacon wrapped shrimp with cream cheese and jalapeno... twice. Round 1 went up in flames. Not just "oh, the shrimp are burning".. it was like.. "oh... the shrimp are ON FIRE. flames". I think maybe I didn't pre-cook the bacon long enough and the fat + very hot grill = fire. They were really good the second time around though.
I can't get enough of just sitting outside on my little back patio in my swimsuit with a book, or grilling next to our tiny pool. I like the looks from passersby on their way to or from lunch at Barnaby's...I wonder if they think our little set-up is super ghetto... or if they're jealous.
Either way I don't really care because I'm enjoying my summertime to the fullest.
Hope your weekend was fantastico!
I want to cook something new this week...what shall it be?

Friday, July 9, 2010


Yipyipyip, more going in the little Etsy shop today!
Pink Polka Pendant
Ahoy Matey brooch with anchor button accent Retroflora brooch

I put the aqua and lime rosette crochet wreath up today! So we'll see how that goes....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

TA-DA! Now let's have a cocktail.

I would like to finally announce that Notes from the Republic, the Etsy shop, is now open for business and there are 11 fabric button rings for sale! OOOOOO! I've had so much fun today, taking photos, thinking of little descriptions for each one... I can't wait to list more- embroidery, wreaths, bulletin boards...
Super-big thanks to Nora for creating my fantastic shop banner! I love it.

EEP! Go look!


Whew. That took a while, but it's finally done! Not 100% sure what to do with it quite yet. I mean, I like it, but I don't know if it's sell-able? I think I need to practice more.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WIP Wednesday

Well this one's not a WIP since I just finished this little octopus guy with kitty cat hand puppets (tentacle puppets?) He was fun.
Below is the WIP of the week! Ryan and I started a couple of paintings on Saturday during a rain storm and we haven't touched them since, sadly. We're setting aside a good chunk of time this evening to work on them, maybe even finish? We made a bit of a mess in the dining room.

Any goals you want to reach before this week is over?
I still have to finish my wreath :/

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

bow your heads and say GRACE!

Wowssssa! This weekend I saw Hitchcock's Rear Window for the first time.. (for shame, i know..) it was soo good. The clothes! Everytime Grace Kelly walked on camera it was like.. "Oh get OUTTA HERE with that!"... perfection.
You should watch it. Srsly. I mean, it's a good movie...but watch it for her wardrobe.

celebrating 'murica

Oh hay! How was your 4th? Ours was grrrrrreat! Friday it rained and rained so we stayed in and made it a movie night. Saturday started off a little rainy so we stayed in most of the day and started some paintings (which we plan on finishing this week!) Saturday night we went to dinner at Danton's Gulf Coast Kitchen. I had a hankerin' for oysters, I know its so late in the year but you can usually get them for 10-12$ a dozen..sadly, because of the oil spill they're 5 times that price so no one is selling them. I opted for a dozen boiled peel-n-eat shrimp with crab bisque and Ryan got a great piece of grilled red fish so our seafood craving was satisfied. We bar hopped a little bit before calling it a night.
Sunday we kicked off the day with a breakfast of blue and red jello with cool whip. Because we can. We sat by the pool, grilled burgers and listened to the most American music we could think of. Around 6 we met mom and dad and went over to Miller Outdoor Theater for their 4th of July sha-bang. It was great (and free)! We packed a picnic, sat on blankets and watched the Houston symphony play some popular patriotic tunes. After the concert there was a great fireworks display. By the time we got home at midnight, we were exhausted.
Monday was a work holiday so we hit the lake! So good, as always, to just lounge in the water on a floatie with a cold beer.
A few photos from the weekend: Gettin' all festive with it.
The folks
Breakfast. gross. and awesome.
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, July 2, 2010

O say can you see!

Happiest Friday and 4th of July weekend y'all! Hurrah!
I just realized that we (the roommates and I) did absolutely nothing to decorate for the 4th. I didn't purchase or make (wreath, bunting, etc) anything remotely patriotic. We don't even own a flag. And now it's the 2nd. I feel ashamed. We're usually SO good about decking the house out for whatever holiday. So after work I'm stopping by party boy for a few tiny last minute items, just to redeem myself.
So how will you be celebrating? My friend Virginia, ironically enough, is en route to San Francisco as I type. Monday she's going to visit Alcatraz. What better way to celebrate your freedom than by going to prison? It's been pooouurrringg here all week and it looks like it's going to continue through the holiday weekend but we'll make the most of it anyway! Weather permitting, we may fit a little lake-time in on Saturday and Sunday is the Miller Outdoor Theater/ Houston Symphony Star Spangled Salute complete with fireworks! WOO! Ryan and I both have Monday off so hopefully if it's sunny we can grill and swim.
I'm back over at my old office--- that Galleria contract job just ended so I'm kinda...twiddling my thumbs at the moment. Hopefully I'll get a new assignment soon. (fingers crossed!)

I guess I've been a little crafty-busy this week. I think when I get a bit stressed out it helps me cope. Last night I made a few of these little brooches. They kind of remind me of those little peachy/orange carnations.

This wreath has been my WIP this week, I'm sort of in love with the color scheme- the teal with the different shades of green. Still have a little more work on this one but will definitely be done by the weekend. Looking forward to seeing it completed!

And I FINALLY finished the Sublime Stitching Russian doll! I started her back in March and she sort of just sat on the back burner while I worked on other things..played with the sewing machine, etc. She was hastily finished, poor thing.

I hope you have a wonderful, safe independence day! Eat all the hamburgers, hot dogs and apple pie you can handle and pop some firecrackers or sparklers in your driveway!