Friday, March 19, 2010

not enough hours in the day

I think maybe if there were 30 hours it would be better.. but then if there were 30...I'd wish for 35. Oh sleep, I need you and I love you...but you're holding me back.

Here is my Tutorial Thursday result! On Monday night Nora and I sat in front of the teev and made poms. Yesterday I went stick-gathering in the yard, stuck the poms on them and arranged them in a vase. I bet they'll be scattered throughout the house when I get home today. They're just too tempting to kitties.

Also started another project that's sure to be a massive time vampire. I bought this pattern @ Sew Crafty last week before sewing class started. I had to pry the needle from my hands last night because it was past bedtime (I wake up at an obscene hour..)
At hobby lobby last week, I saw this scrapbook paper- I don't scrapbook, but I had to get this pattern, it's too damn cute. I made more little bottle cap magnets, but would like to figure something else out-- I can't keep drinking all this beer.

Not a craft, but the girl who sold me her sewing machine also threw in a free box of goodies- this tomato pin cushion was in the box and I just think it's pretty, all filled with pins, ready to be put to work.

So thrilled its Friday! I have a nice day-date with mom including but not limited to lunch and a movie and Miike Snow is playing on Saturday night! Looks like it's gonna be a good one, it's beautiful out in Houston today.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pom pom on the stick idea. Fantastic. And it looks great in a vase. Dont think they'd last long at my place either with two small children but much more economical than a bunch of flowers and prettier too.


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