Monday, February 8, 2010

High five yourself.

It's easy, affordable, colorful, unique, and takes no time. What are the odds that someone would choose the exact same fabric as you, mount it on the exact same size hoop and hang it in the exact same way? Slim to none, I'd say, so your wall art would be 100% one-of-a-kind. Do you ever walk through the fabric department at Hobby Lobby and think "Look at all these amazing patterns, textures, colors... too bad I have no idea how to sew"? I fabric admire, fold and buy 5 different quarters... go home and think.. "What am I even going to do with this?" SHAZZAM! Good thing there are tons of crafty folks on the internetz to pull amazing ideas from. Thanks crafty folk!

Here is a tutorial complete with an important final step: hug your dog (or cat, or high five someone if you're animal-less, or high five yourself if you live alone...)

Here is a tutorial for a pretty fabric/ emboriodery hoop cork board. Essentially the same idea as above, except going a step further and making your art functional!

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