Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why save the Savon?

Ok so I have alot of soaps. If there is a festival, I buy a soap. Greek fest? Olive oil soap. Texas Renaissance Festival? Lavender and tea tree soap from this soaper. On a little trip to Port Aransas, I bought a handful of mermaid soaps. Natural/ organic section of HEB? Oh, look! Hippie soap! So I buy these things, and put them all in my underwear drawer. And then I buy Irish spring for the shower. What good are all of these soaps if they're sitting in a drawer? Why do I keep buying them if I never use them? "Oh, thats the guest soap".. ..well yeah, guests can use that antibacterial stuff in the dispenser... don't take that "nice" soap out of the wrapper"...

It's soap. We'll get more.

[all photos from weheartit ]

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