Wednesday, December 2, 2009

little family research on a wednesday morning

[ comic from this cookbook, clearly pointing out that Marylanders are better drinkers than Virginians as... dems fightin' words ]
The gentleman on the far left is Pappy, Harry Heuisler Tormey, Sr, my mom's dad. The woman is Mary Angela, his sister, pictured with his 3 older brothers, George Anthony, Francis Edward, and Joseph Heuisler Tormey. Pappy was born in 1902, and I'm takin' a wild guess, but he looks about 18 here, so photo approximately from 1920? It's ridiculous how much he resembles my brother Peter.

Pappy died on February 5th, 1977, and being born in 1981, I unfortunately never got to meet him, everyone says he was a really great person, that he laughed so much, had bright red cheeks and wavy silver hair.

Pappy was from Baltimore and owned a cookbook called Eat, Drink and Be Merry in Maryland first published in 1932. He made eggnog each Christmas from a recipe in this book. Now, my dad makes it and has become a tradition in our house.

Here is the eggnog recipe, click to enlarge:

I was a little curious about where this recipe came from and who Mrs. Robert E. Tubman was, as we all thoroughly enjoy her little brandy/rum/raw egg concoction into our home every year. Turns out, Mr. Tubman was a Baltimore business man who purchased a home called "Glasgow" from an Irish family in 1840.
Who knows how many Christmases were spent in that home and how many pints of eggnog that family consumed, but I'm thankful to them for sharing their recipe and tradition and I wanted to pass it on.

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